간행물/상품 등

  • 비와호 수로 100년

    비와호 수로 준공 100주년을 기념해 헤이세이 2(1990)년에 발행된 3권 구성의 서적으로 수로를 둘러싼 교토의 발걸음을 기록하고 있습니다.

    정가:37,746엔(세금 포함)

  • 교토시 수도 백년사 자료 편・서술 편

    헤이세이 24(2012)년의 교토 도시 수도 창설 100주년을 기념해 간행된 서적으로 각 시대를 상징하는 자료와 사진을 폭넓게 채록, 지금으로 이어지는 100년의 발걸음을 구체적으로 볼 수 있습니다.

    정가: 4,320엔(자료편)(세금 포함)

    정가: 2,160엔(서술편)(세금 포함)

  • Exhibit catalogue

    Renovated in commemoration of its 30th anniversary, the Lake Biwa Canal Museum has renewed exhibits, showcased in this catalogue.

    price: 500 yen (tax included)

  • Commemorative card of The Lake Biwa Canal

    A commemorative card with an illustration of the exterior of The Lake Biwa Canal Museum.
    It is recommended as a commemoration of your visit to The Lake Biwa Canal Museum.

    price: 300 yen (tax included)

  • Post card

    Postcards of "Map of Lake Biwa Canal", "2nd Keage Hydroelectric Power Plant", "The Lake Biwa Canal Cruise".

    price: 100 yen each (tax included)

  • File folder

    The famous aqueduct and red leaves at Nanzenji temple or The Lake Biwa Canal Cruise are pictured on the file folders.The Lake Biwa Canal Cruise operates in spring and fall, and visitors can enjoy cherry blossoms and rape blossoms in spring and autumn leaves in fall.

    price: 300 yen (tax included)

  • Hand Towel

    (left)The Chinese character「疏」,which was engraved on the bricks that were used to construct Lake Biwa Canal.
    (right)The aqueduct of Lake Biwa Canal and the Keage Hydroelectric Power Plant

    price: 300 yen each (tax included)

  • Tote bag

    A reusable tote bag which can be folded together. It is practical and easy to carry.
    The print shows the construction of the Lake Biwa Canal.

    price: 600 yen (tax included)

  • Japanese folding fan

    Printed on the fan is a map of sightseeing spots near Lake Biwa, drawn by Yunen Ishida, a copperplate printmaker from the Meiji era. You can truly feel the history of the Lake Biwa Canal emanating from this product.

    price: 2,000 yen (tax included)

  • 교노카가야키 소스이 모노가타리

    교토시의 수돗물을 캔에 담은 재해용 비축 음료수입니다. 제조 후, 상온에서 미개봉 상태에서 10년간 보존할 수 있습니다.

    정가: 100엔(1개)(세금 포함)